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Recommended Resources

Most of the books can be purchased through unless otherwise stated.



Cloud, Henry & Townsend, John. (1992, 1995). Boundaries: When to say yes, when to say no.


Cloud, Henry & Townsend, John. (2000). Boundaries in Dating.


Cloud, Henry & Townsend, John. (200?). Safe People: How to find relations that are good for

 you and avoid those that aren’t.


Crosson, Russ. (1994). A Life Well Spent: The eternal rewards of investing yourself and your

            money in your family. Ronald Blue & Co.


Frost, Jack. (2002). Experiencing Father’s Embrace: Finding acceptance in the arms of a loving

God.. Father’s House Productions, Inc.


Hamon, Bill. (2002). The Day of the Saints. Destiny Image Publishers.


James, Thomas W. (2007). Be Reconciled! McDougal & Associates.


McGee, Robert. (1998). The Search for Significance. W. Publishing Group.  A division of

Thomas Nelson.


Children & Parenting

Cloud, Henry & Townsend, John. (2001). Boundaries with Kids.


Dobson, James. The New Strong-Willed Child. The New Dare to Discipline. Bringing Up Boys.

 Preparing for Adolescence. Search on


Deliverance & Healing

Banks, Bill & Sue. (1999). Breaking Unhealthy Soul-Ties. Order from: Lake Hamilton Bible

Camp, P.O. Box 21516, Hot Springs, AR 71903, Phone: 501-525-8204.


Kylstra, Chester & Betsy. (2003). An Integrated Approach to Biblical Healing Ministry.

Sovereign World.


Sandford, John & Mark. (1992). Deliverance and Inner Healing. Chosen Books.


Sandford, John & Paula. Restoring the Christian Family, The Transformation of the Inner Man,

Healing the Wounded Spirit. Chosen Books.




Chambers, Oswald. (1935). My Utmost for His Highest. Discovery House Publishers.


Davis, June. (1997). Scripture Keys for Kingdom Living. R.R. Donnelley & Sons.

Order from: Scripture Keys Ministries, P.O. Box 6559, Denver, CO 80206.


Hurnard, Hannah. (2005). Hind’s Feet on High Places. Includes devotionals for women by

Darien Cooper. Destiny Image Publishers.


Moore, Beth. (2000). Praying God’s Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds.

Broadman & Holman Publishers.



Disorders & Maladaptive Behaviors

Alcorn, Nancy. Mercy for Eating Disorders, Sexual Abuse, Addictions.

See Or   


Burkett, Sandy. The Treatment and Healing Process of Dissociative Identity Disorder.

            Order through: Breakthrough Reconciliation Ministries, 1550 Richland Rd, Marion, OH

43302. 740-389-2910.


Flannery, Ray. (2004). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: the victim’s guide to healing and

            recovery. Chevron Publishing. Order paperback version from:



Chapman, Gary. (2004). The Five Love Languages. Northfield Publishing.


Cloud, Henry & Townsend, John. (2000). Boundaries in Marriage.


Dobson, James. (2007). Love for a Life Time, Love Must Be Tough, Night Light: A devotional

for couples..


Harvey, Donald. (1991). The Spiritually Intimate Marriage. Fleming H. Revell.


Nair, Ken. (1995). Discovering the Heart of a Man, Discovering the Mind of a Woman.

Thomas Nelson Publishers.


Rosenau, Douglas. (2002). A Celebration of Sex. Thomas Nelson Publishers.


Penner, Clifford & Joyce. (1981). The Gift of Sex. Word, Inc.


Roeder, David & Linda. (1997). The Intimate Marriage. Paraklesis Ministries.


Stoop, David & Jan. Eds. (2002). The Complete Marriage Book. Fleming H. Revell.


Wheat, Ed. (1980). Love Life. Zondervan Publishing.


Wheat, Ed & Gaye. (1977). Intended for Pleasure. Fleming H. Revell.


Wright, H. Norman. (1974). Communication: Key to Your Marriage. Regal Books.



Group Ministry Programs

Mercy Ministries of America has a comprehensive, residential counseling program for young women in various locations around the US and overseas. Main office: Nashville, TN. See


My Sister’s House. A residential shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence. 24-hour hotline: 704-872-3403. Troutman, NC.


Priority House. A faith-based initiative offering a residential discipleship program for men recovering from drug and alcohol addictions. Statesville, NC. 704-881-0996.


House of Virtue. A faith-based initiative offering a residential discipleship program for women recovering from drug and alcohol addictions. Statesville, NC. 704-873-4844.